Wednesday, 22 June 2011 | By: Katelyn Renate

Faith's SK Graduation

So. I have a little 6-year-old sister. She is probably the FUNNIEST kid you will ever meet. The things she comes out with are just hysterical.  For instance, the other day she was helping my other sister MacKenzie clean her room.  MacKenzie's birth stone is amethyst, so she has a giant amethyst on her shelf.  Faith asks, "Can I see that glorious pebble?"  What 6 year old would come out with that other than Faith herself?

Yesterday was her Senior Kindergarden Graduation to go into Grade One.  Me, silly silly me, thinking she would be VERY excited for this day, was told otherwise.  She in fact, did NOT want to go into Grade One.  She would have to sit at a square desk instead of a round one, and that would not be fun.

But nevertheless, she seemed quite happy the day of her graduation.  Here's a picture from the day:

Congratulations, Faith! We all love you. Good luck with the square desks.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011 | By: Katelyn Renate

Sean & Amanda Williamson!

A week and a half ago (the day before my birthday! What an awesome birthday present!) I had the privlege of photographing Sean and Amanda's wedding photos!  I have been friends of the Visser (Amanda's) family since I was a young girl, and I photographed her brother's wedding last year.  It wasn't long after their wedding that they got engaged and had asked me to do their pictures.  The day started off with a wicked thunder storm, but we were determined that it was just "getting the rain out of it's system", and sure enough the rain let off and the sun came out and it turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day!  Here are some photos from the day:

This is Donald. He was a great flower carrier and path maker!